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Small Boys
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Small Boys Memorial Monument, located in Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery in San Diego, California. The Monument contains the names of the 525 men who lost their lives on the three escort vessels that were sunk in the Battle Off Samar on 25 October 1944. In TBS, (talk between ships) the escort or screen vessels were referred to as "small boys"

The loses were as follows: USS HOEL 252 - USS JOHNSTON 183 - USS SAMUEL B. ROBERTS 90.

The monument was erected in 1995 with funds raised by the three escort vessels that were sunk during the battle. Contributors included survivors and former crew members of all three escort vessels that were sunk as well as many family members of those lost and friends of the families.Small Boys Memorial Monument, located in Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery in San Diego,


A monument now stands in Fort Rosecrans,.....bearing names of so many who died.
I have often remembered the battle, And also............at times................I have cried.
They all were so young ..........and so happy.............., and all so.............. full of life.
Many had just finished high school,................ but some................ had taken a wife.

News of the battle was printed..............and mentioned....................... on radio too..
Our families at home all wondered.................there wasn't much else they could do.
Did my husband die...........did my brother live .........or what happened to my son?
The battle, they heard was awful, men and ships were lost, .......but the battle won.

Finally they learned of their loved ones, some good news ...........but most was bad.
Some lost a brother, a husband or a son............and some............had lost their dad.
Battles are a part of war.....that might be prevented,.......... if only harder we'd try..
Because young men must always fight them.........and in battles........young men die.

After hours and hours in the ocean................our hopes of rescue........... grew dim.
Our lives were in the hands of GOD now,........and our faith grew stronger in HIM.
The sharks kept circling and waiting.........................for someone to get out of line.
Please, GOD, won't you help us, we grow weaker.......and we're about out of time.

Our prayers to GOD were answered...............We sighted ships in the distance afar.
We thought they might be the enemy.......but,..Thank GOD ......American they are .
We're happy to have been rescued............but..........we miss the shipmates we lost.
Wars are terribly expensive.............and with their lives..............some pay the cost.

A monument now stands in Fort Rosecrans, in AMERICA, .....where it should be.
With names of the young men who perished..........in the battle that day on the sea.
They'll know we still remember.......................and we pray they didn't die in vain.
We couldn't bring them home with us, but finally, have brought back their name.

Dedicated to all the heroes of Task Group 77.4.3 who fought and died in the Battle Off Samar,
P.I. on 25 October 1944.


Bill Mercer, Survivor